CLI usage¶
First level CLI¶
usage: zabbixbackup [-h] {psql,pgsql,mysql} ...
-h, --help show this help message and exit
psql (pgsql) (see zabbixbackup psql --help)
mysql (see zabbixbackup mysql --help)
Postgres SQL: second level CLI¶
zabbixbackup psql --help
usage: zabbixbackup psql [-h] [-z] [-Z ZBX_CONFIG] [-D] [-H HOST] [-P PORT]
[-u USER] [-p PASSWD] [--keep-login-file]
[--login-file LOGINFILE] [-d DBNAME] [-s SCHEMA] [-n]
[-U {dump,nodata,ignore,fail}] [-M {dump,nodata}]
[-f {custom,directory,plain,tar}] [--save-files]
[--files FILES] [-a ARCHIVE] [-o OUTDIR] [-r ROTATE]
[-q | -v | -V | --debug]
zabbix dump for psql inspired and directly translated from...
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-z, --read-zabbix-config
try to read database host and credentials from Zabbix
config. Implicit if `--zabbix-config` is set.
(default: False)
-Z ZBX_CONFIG, --zabbix-config ZBX_CONFIG
Zabbix config file path. Implicit if `--read-zabbix-
config` is set. (default:
-D, --dry-run Do not create the actual backup, only show dump
commands. Be aware that the database will be queried
for tables selection and temporary folders and files
will be created. (default: False)
connection options:
-H HOST, --host HOST hostname/IP of DBMS server, to specify a blank value
pass '-'. If host starts with a slash it's interpreted
as a socket directory. Special rules might apply (see
postgre online documentation for sockets). (default:
-P PORT, --port PORT DBMS port. (default: 5432)
-u USER, --username USER
database login user. (default: zabbix)
-p PASSWD, --passwd PASSWD
database login password (specify '-' for an
interactive prompt). (default: None)
--keep-login-file if a credential file is created (.pgpass) do not
delete it on exit. (default: False)
--login-file LOGINFILE
use '.pgpass' file for the authentication. (default:
-d DBNAME, --database DBNAME
database name. (default: zabbix)
-s SCHEMA, --schema SCHEMA
database schema. (default: public)
-n, --reverse-lookup (NOT IMPLEMENTED) perform a reverse lookup of the IP
address for the host. (default: True)
dump action options:
-U {dump,nodata,ignore,fail}, --unknown-action {dump,nodata,ignore,fail}
action for unknown tables. (default: ignore)
-M {dump,nodata}, --monitoring-action {dump,nodata}
action for monitoring table (default: nodata)
-N, --add-columns add column names in INSERT clauses and quote them as
needed. (default: False)
dump level compression options:
passed as-is to pg_dump --compress, might be implied
by format. (default: None)
-f {custom,directory,plain,tar}, --pgformat {custom,directory,plain,tar}
dump format, will mandate the file output format.
(default: custom)
configuration files:
--save-files save folders and other files (see --files). (default:
--files FILES save folders and other files as listed in this file.
One line per folder or file, non existant will be
ignored. Directory structure is replicated (copied via
'cp'). (default: -)
output options:
-a ARCHIVE, --archive ARCHIVE
archive level compression. 'tar' to create a tar
archive, '-' to leave the backup uncompressed as a
folder. Other available formats are xz, gzip and
bzip2. Use ':<LEVEL>' to set a compression level. I.e.
--archive xz:6 (default: -)
-o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
save database dump to 'outdir'. (default: .)
-r ROTATE, --rotate ROTATE
rotate backups while keeping up 'R' old backups.Uses
filename to match '0=keep everything'. (default: 0)
-q, --quiet don't print anything except unrecoverable errors.
(default: False)
-v, --verbose print informations. (default: True)
-V, --very-verbose print even more informations. (default: False)
--debug print everything. (default: False)
MySQL: second level CLI¶
zabbixbackup mysql --help
usage: zabbixbackup mysql [-h] [-z] [-Z ZBX_CONFIG] [-c] [-C MYSQL_CONFIG]
[-D] [-H HOST] [-P PORT] [-S SOCK] [-u USER]
[-p PASSWD] [--keep-login-file]
[--login-file LOGINFILE] [-d DBNAME] [-n]
[-U {dump,nodata,ignore,fail}] [-M {dump,nodata}]
[-N] [--mysqlcompression MYSQLCOMPRESSION]
[--save-files] [--files FILES] [-a ARCHIVE]
[-o OUTDIR] [-r ROTATE] [-q | -v | -V | --debug]
zabbix dump for mysql inspired and directly translated from...
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-z, --read-zabbix-config
try to read database host and credentials from Zabbix
config. Implicit if `--zabbix-config` is set.
(default: False)
-Z ZBX_CONFIG, --zabbix-config ZBX_CONFIG
Zabbix config file path. Implicit if `--read-zabbix-
config` is set. (default:
-c, --read-mysql-config
Read database host and credentials from MySQL config
file. Implicit if `--mysql-config` is set. (default:
MySQL config file path. Implicit if `--read-mysql-
config` is set. (default: /etc/mysql/my.cnf)
-D, --dry-run Do not create the actual backup, only show dump
commands. Be aware that the database will be queried
for tables selection and temporary folders and files
will be created. (default: False)
connection options:
-H HOST, --host HOST hostname/IP of DBMS server, to specify a blank value
pass '-'. (default:
-P PORT, --port PORT DBMS port. (default: 3306)
-S SOCK, --socket SOCK
path to DBMS socket file. Alternative to specifying
host. (default: None)
-u USER, --username USER
database login user. (default: zabbix)
-p PASSWD, --passwd PASSWD
database login password (specify '-' for an
interactive prompt). (default: None)
--keep-login-file if a credential file is created (mylogin.cnf) do not
delete it on exit. (default: False)
--login-file LOGINFILE
use 'mylogin.cnf' file for the authentication.
(default: None)
-d DBNAME, --database DBNAME
database name. (default: zabbix)
-n, --reverse-lookup (NOT IMPLEMENTED) perform a reverse lookup of the IP
address for the host. (default: True)
dump action options:
-U {dump,nodata,ignore,fail}, --unknown-action {dump,nodata,ignore,fail}
action for unknown tables. (default: ignore)
-M {dump,nodata}, --monitoring-action {dump,nodata}
action for monitoring table (default: nodata)
-N, --add-columns add column names in INSERT clauses and quote them as
needed. (default: False)
dump level compression options:
--mysqlcompression MYSQLCOMPRESSION
dump level compression. Available formats are xz, gzip
and bzip2. Use ':<LEVEL>' to set a compression level.
I.e. --archive xz:6. See documentation for the
details. (default: gzip:6)
configuration files:
--save-files save folders and other files (see --files). (default:
--files FILES save folders and other files as listed in this file.
One line per folder or file, non existant will be
ignored. Directory structure is replicated (copied via
'cp'). (default: -)
output options:
-a ARCHIVE, --archive ARCHIVE
archive level compression. 'tar' to create a tar
archive, '-' to leave the backup uncompressed as a
folder. Other available formats are xz, gzip and
bzip2. Use ':<LEVEL>' to set a compression level. I.e.
--archive xz:6 (default: -)
-o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
save database dump to 'outdir'. (default: .)
-r ROTATE, --rotate ROTATE
rotate backups while keeping up 'R' old backups.Uses
filename to match '0=keep everything'. (default: 0)
-q, --quiet don't print anything except unrecoverable errors.
(default: False)
-v, --verbose print informations. (default: True)
-V, --very-verbose print even more informations. (default: False)
--debug print everything. (default: False)